SETsafe | SETfuseSETsafe | SETfuse
SETsafe | SETfuse
SETsafe | SETfuse
SETsafe | SETfuse
SETsafe | SETfuse
SETsafe | SETfuse
Testing Center (Laboratory)

Service Objective: Exclusively for SETsafe | SETfuse Customers.

The SETsafe | SETfuse Testing Laboratory combines unique testing capabilities with expert consultation. We provide impartial answers and are not biased towards any particular technology, ensuring the optimal solution for each application.


Our Testing Capabilities Include:

Damp Heat, Steady State.

Damp Heat Test.

Temperature and Humidity Cycle Conditioning.

High Temperature and Humidity Endurance.


Dry Heat.

High Temperature Limit Test.

Long-Term High Temperature Test.

High Temperature Reverse Aging.


Low Temperature Limit Test.

Accelerated Dry Heat Endurance.

Accelerated Damp Heat, Steady State Endurance.

Damp Heat, Cyclic.

Rapid Change Of Temperature With Prescribed Time Of Transfer.

Temperature Shock.

High and Low Temperature Impact Test.

Temperature Cycle Test.

Thermal Shock.

Long-Term High and Low Temperature Cycle Test.

Accelerated Temperature Shock Test.

Change Of Temperature With Specified Rate Of Change.

High and Low Temperature Cycle Test.

Accelerated Moisture Resistance - Unbiased Autoclave.

Salt Mist.

Salt Mist, Cyclic.


Vibration, Sinusoidal.

Vibration, Broadband Random.

Packaging Vibration.

Packaging Free Fall Repeated.

Free Fall.

Free Fall Repeated.

Pendulum Impact Test.

Mechanical Strength.

Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage Test.

Upper Category Temperature Durability.

Standard Aging.

Long-Term Aging.

Load Aging.

Temperature Life Test.

Holding Temperature.

Long-Term High Temperature Load Test.

Temperature Limit Test.

Maximum Temperature Limit.

Temperature-Time Characteristics.

Response Rate.

Temperature Sensitive Speed.

Rated Functioning Temperature.

Load Rated Functioning Temperature.

Load Temperature Sensitive Speed.

Conductive Heat Ageing Test.

Extended Holding Temperature Conditioning Test.

Current Shock.

Pulse Current.

Measured Limiting Voltage.

Rated Energy.

Single Pulse Peak Current.

Multiple Pulse Peak Current.

Maximum Peak Current.

Determine The Voltage Protection Level.

Clamping Voltage.

Voltage Protection Level.

Operating Duty Test.

Grade Limit Voltage Test.

Ignition Voltage.

Front-Of-Wave Sparkover Voltage.

High Temperature Lightning.

Surge Test.

Machine Surge.

Fusing Time Characteristics.

Current Time Characteristics.

Surface Temperature Test.

Overload Characteristic Test.

Transient Overload Current.

Limited Current.

Thermal Stability.

Thermal Trip Test.

Disconnect Current.

Electric Strength.

Dielectric Withstand.

Withstand Voltage.

Insulation Resistance.

Internal Resistance.

Impulse Breakdown Voltage.

AC Discharge Current.

Glow-Wire Flammability Test.

X-RAY Fluoroscopy Inspection.


For more information about our testing services, please contact us at :

For further information about the SETsafe | SETfuse Testing Center (Laboratory) Learn more


Update: Mar 2025